Dunn County Job Center; Serving Menomonie in Multiple Ways
September 8, 2023
The Dunn County Job Center, located in Menomonie, WI, serves job seekers in significant ways. As a part of the One-Stop-Operator (OSO) system, the Dunn County Job Center provides programming and services for job seekers. OSOs, or American Job Centers, streamline the job-seeking process for regional communities. By partnering with local, state, and federal agencies, educational institutions, and economic development organizations, Job Centers provide crucial connections for their community.
Erik Hinch, One Stop Operator Coordinator at Workforce Resource Inc., states, “The One Stop Operator idea is meant to foster partnerships, make sure there are coordinated services, and make sure people are talking to each other. We want to make sure people know about the Job Centers, people know about what we can do, and that our clients that we serve are able to get a smooth referral between programs and services in the community.” As a center within a broader system, the Dunn County Job Center provides a centralized location and unique services to its community.
Dunn County Job Center
The Dunn County Job Center is essential to the area it serves. Primarily, the center offers programming, resources, and personalized assistance for individuals seeking training and/or employment. For individuals looking to conduct a job search or develop their resume, resources and computers are readily available. For dislocated and incumbent workers, programs are available for training or education.
In addition to these services, the Dunn County Job Center focuses on assisting workers with disabilities. At the center, staff members ensure that individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all programs and activities administered by the OSOs and Workforce Resource, Inc. For job seekers with disabilities, several specialized programs can help individuals build their job skills, further their education and training, and find employment. To complement these programs, the center often recommends that workers co-enroll in Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) services.
The Dunn County Job Center also provides entrepreneurial services and services for justice-involved citizens. Through the entrepreneurial center, staff members help community members interested in starting their businesses through programming that assists with the cost of entrepreneurial training and education. For justice-involved citizens, the center offers individualized, person-centered programs that assist individuals with obtaining and retaining employment.
One-Stop Operators Offer Help; Visit the Dunn County Job Center
With robust programming and services in place, the Dunn County Job Center can assist individuals in a variety of ways. Visit or contact the Dunn County Job Center:
Address: 401 Technology Drive E Menomonie WI 54751
Phone Number: 715-232-7360
If you’re looking for Job Centers closer to your location or for other assistance, West Central Works can connect you with the resources you need. To learn more about Job Centers in West Central Wisconsin, click here.