Request For Proposal by the West Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board
The West Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board is an administrative agency that uses contractors for direct services related to employment and training. WDBWCW contracts with for‐profit and nonprofit organizations, as well as private and public sector businesses. Periodically, WDBWCW solicits request for proposals to interested parties that can provide services and programs the organization specializes in such as case management, work sites, job search and placement services, service provider sites, and administrative services. WDBWCW publicizes its requests for proposals (RFP) through public notices placed in local publications of record. The requests are also featured on WDBWCW’s website and distributed via mailings to a list of potential candidates.
New Requests for Proposals: Fiscal Agent
The successful bidder to this RFP will serve as the Fiscal Agent for the West Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board. The successful bidder will enter into a contract agreement with West Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board. The organization will receive and manage all formula WIOA funds for the Northern Area including but not limited to: Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth and other private, federal or state funds. The organization will provide services related to grants management, general accounting and financial services, oversight for fund integrity, annual fiscal monitoring of WCWWDB contractors, and technical assistance. A specific scope of work with detailed duties will be negotiated with the successful bidder.