Job Centers Serve the People in Our Communities

Job Centers are a One-Stop-Operator (OSO) for anyone in West Central Wisconsin looking to build a strong career. Whether you are a student, someone reentering the workforce, a worker looking to advance, or are facing a layoff; Job Center staff can help you to achieve your goals. We can pull together multiple resources and grants, allowing you to qualify for the maximum level of support.

About West Central Wisconsin’s Job Centers: Your One-Stop-Operator for Workforce Support

The West Central Wisconsin Job Center System is a partnership of government agencies and community-based organizations with a common goal: to make our community a better place to live by improving job opportunities through economic support, training, and education. Job Center locations are home to several government and community agencies that can help you access career and non-career-related services. These Centers provide access to critical job and skill development services and resources, as well as business services that are vital to our community’s social and economic well-being through partnerships with other local, state, and federal agencies and education and economic development organizations. While we may not have staff or services at every location, team members can help you get in touch with someone best able to meet your needs.

One-Stop-Operator Services

Job Centers offer a range of resources available to job seekers, including:

  • Grant submissions
  • Free job-search related computer and internet access
  • Job Center of Wisconsin employment database
  • Access to labor market information and career exploration resources
  • Resume software & typing tutorials
  • Microsoft self-paced tutorials
  • Fax, copier & phone access
  • Workshops
  • Adult basic education through the technical college system
  • Career counseling
  • On-Site recruitment and job fairs
  • Interactive technology capabilities


What are American Job Centers (One-Stop-Operators)?

American Job Centers, also known as One-Stop-Operators, provide a full range of assistance to job seekers under one roof. Established under the Workforce Investment Act and reauthorized in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act of 2014, the centers offer training referrals, career counseling, job listings, and similar employment-related services. Customers can visit a center in person or connect to the center’s information online.

How does West Central Works support local Job Centers?

The West Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board works to develop our region’s Job Centers by providing both financial and technical support. The Board and partners assure access to a broad array of workforce and economic development resources and services through a combination of Job Centers and technology strategically aligned to serve workers and communities across the region.

Where are Job Centers located in West Central Wisconsin?

For a complete listing of service locations, contact Jon Menz at or by calling 715-235-8393 x100.

West Central Wisconsin Job Center Locations:

Barron County Job Center
331 S. Main Street
Rice Lake, WI 54868

Chippewa Job Center CLOSED 

Redirected to Dunn County Job Center

Clark Job Center
501 Hewett Street
Neillsville, WI 54456

Dunn County Job Center
401 Technology Drive East
Suite 200 (Central Office – Suite 100)
Menomonie, WI 54751

Eau Claire County Job Center
221 W. Madison Street
Suite 140-A
Eau Claire, WI 54703

Pepin County Job Center CLOSED
Redirected to Dunn County Job Center

Polk Job Center
317A Main Street
Balsam Lake, WI 54810

St. Croix Job Center CLOSING 12/13/2024
Redirected to Eau Claire County Job Center or Dunn County Job Center

What partners offer support at the Job Centers (OSOs)?

Additional resources and services are available at Job Centers. Partners vary by location and may include:

  • Job Service
  • Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Welfare-to-Work (W2)
  • Badger Care (Medical Assistance)
  • FoodShare (Food Stamps)
  • Emergency, Housing, and Childcare Assistance
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Veterans Services
  • Technical College Services
  • Migrant Services