Access the Training You Need to Achieve Your Goals
West Central Works can help you to achieve your career goals. Whether you need to develop the skills necessary to stand out from other candidates or need training to qualify for your dream job, we can help. Contact us today for specific solutions tailored to your needs.
Training for Job Candidates Will Help You to Stand Out from the Competition
Visit your local Job Center for help with resume writing and interview preparation. You can also sign up for a virtual workshop to assist in resume writing, interviewing, and how to conduct a job search.
At local libraries, you can also access workforce resources and training. Learn more.
Earn a Training Certificate & Land Your Dream Job
Do you need a CDL license, medical assistant, or bookkeeping certificate? If your dream job requires specific training or technical certification, West Central Works can help you to earn one. The first step is to speak with a career coach so we can create a training plan. Next, we can identify training opportunities that are available locally and the resources we have to help pay for it. In some cases, technical training can be offered at no cost to you. In others, the training is subsidized, so you pay less out of pocket. Either way, you have a coach to guide you and a partner who will work hard to remove any barriers to completing the program.