Success Story: Autism for Educators Program at CVTC
June 26, 2024
Thank You…
for the opportunity to complete the Autism for Educators program at CVTC! The course was very meaningful and certainly supported me in my current role as a special education assistant at Sherman Elementary School. The willingness of ECASD to partner with this program in correlation with professional development days was very much appreciated and so much more beneficial than a typical PD day. I always looked forward to attending class with my fellow cohorts. It was a place to share stories, ask questions, actively listen, and glean information from so many experienced professionals in my exact line of work. The schedule was certainly doable with the option of virtual learning as needed, but the real value was being together in person as a group. Shalyn Gagnon and Rachael Stilp are top notch instructors who go above and beyond with so many fun personal touches in the classroom. They both have an enthusiasm for education that is contagious and a willingness to meet you where you are at. I felt so very valued in this class! On a day to day basis, I don’t always feel the mutual respect amongst colleagues at school. It’s hard work dealing with everyone else’s emotions all day long. Yet, I chose this position because I want to be the one who thinks of kids in a positive light and works to give them a second chance – simply because they are all so amazing!
I certainly grew as a lifelong learner, gaining confidence in navigating technology and actively learning more about Canva and other great resources for a classroom. Here is a sample of a project I initiated with a student I worked with each morning in a self-contained pull out room (just him and I) - Sample Student Scrapbook - Positive Reinforcement. I was able to apply skills I learned in the classroom directly into my daily schedule at school. In conjunction with a lead teacher that was willing to listen and try new things, we were able to make many accommodations and academic modifications throughout the day to help set up students for success. We redid visual prompts (flowcharts, think-act-plan, I need to practice…) and took the time to verbally review 6 expectations before moving on to each new task (ie. I am safe with my body. I do not hit, punch, push, kick or scratch. I do not hurt my teachers or other students, etc.). We modified “All About My Day” communication sheets that went home to focus less on the negatives and to try to build and promote a family centered approach. This incorporated a form of two-way communication, with a spot for mom to include any notes from home. We changed our behavior tracking spreadsheet to be more of a condensed version with check boxes, thus saving me time. But one of the things I’m most proud of is the Canva scrapbook I worked to create to help build on his successes and thus track his progress! My student would often take the time to look through this at his calming break and was eager to flash a smile when I told him I wanted to capture this moment (whether it’s being safe with his body, safe with his materials, kind with his voice, staying in his learning space, doing his best job, and keeping his brain focused on his learning). This made me happy to see him accomplishing things and feeling proud of himself. Consistent support with students is key and this class helped reinforce that notion.
The grant also allowed me to walk away with armfuls of wonderful books that promote an inclusive classroom environment. The books we read were also very impactful and helped me become more aware of the language I use in how I reference and speak regarding ASD. Students are truly Uniquely Human (loved the book) and I realized how much more my non-speaking students have to say!
Thanks for keeping that spark alive in relationship to my love of learning! Please continue to fund and offer this course as it is a wonderful resource in our line of work!