Request for Proposals: Adult and Dislocated Worker Career Pathway Development Program Services
August 19, 2023
West Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (West Central WDB) administers programs under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), Department of Corrections, Department of Children and Families, and other funding sources.
The organization is directed by a board of directors, comprised of individuals with diverse backgrounds including private for-profit companies, non-profit agencies, community-based organizations, educational facilities, and public sector programs. West Central WDB service area consists of: Barron, Chippewa, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix counties.
West Central WDB strategically coordinates and utilizes its resources to provide comprehensive career services and high-demand industry sector training options designed to provide program participants opportunities to achieve individualized education and/or career goals leading to meaningful, self-sustaining employment and enhanced quality of life.
All services are initiated through a grant award to a career services specialist case management system in each county the West Central WDB serves. Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act performance-driven design is followed, and all services are on a grant agreement cost reimbursement basis.